Types of Appraisals

A Wide Range of Valuation Services

  • Probate Proceedings

    In probate proceedings, it is imperative to have a professional appraiser establish the value of non-liquid assets, such as a home, so that the estate can be divided fairly.

  • Divorce Appraisal

    In divorce proceedings, often there is a buyout required by one party. An appraisal is vital to establish the worth of your assets in this often-uncomfortable division of assets.

  • Property Tax Appeal

    County assessments of property taxes can sometimes be incorrect. An independent property tax appraisal is vital when going through an appeals process.

  • Tax/IRS, Estate and Investment Appraisal

    Best practice for investments planning can all be determined by a professional appraiser. This includes estate planning, tax planning, market analysis, zoning, etc.

  • Mortgage Lending

    The housing market, interest rate, and lending can be a mystery. We provide appraisals for mortgages and are versed in banking leaders such as FHA and Fannie Mae, etc.

  • Foreclosure/REO Appraisal

    An REO appraisal is an estimate of the “as is” market value of a property to determine what the listing price will be in a foreclosure or an offer in compromise.

  • Relocation Appraisal

    For your relocation, we can estimate the probable selling price and relocation information given local market analysis and market conditions.

  • Listing Appraisal

    A pre-listing appraisal is done prior to listing a home for sale. It includes an accurate detailed description of the home and property value as compared to recent and current sales in the area.

  • Purchase Preparation

    Before you make a large monetary decision, it is wise to consult a professional. A pre-purchase appraisal can help you make informed decisions when considering purchasing real estate.